Monday, May 31, 2010

Test blog


  1. Thanks to teachers for genuine support for Kirsty after a difficult journey and first day. Hope the remainder of the party are well and look forward to hearing any news about Disney Land and Friday. Alastair & Fionna

  2. What a trip it has been! Words can hardly describe what fun we have had, despite some challenges. Will post more news soon after trying to upload some pictures. Chinyo

  3. nice start kirsty lol love it ahaha This is Kirsty McRobert updating you from Japan!!!. and alex where is urs lol hope u guys have alot of fun and keep well and safe. from simon rule :P

  4. Great to have had phone contact and to hear what a wonderful time you kids are all having. You are all very lucky to have such a wonderful teacher and her very special husband Max to take and guide you to see and do so much. Take care and Live it up.
    The McRobert Family

  5. What a wonderful effort all of you students have made. From the pre-trip activities such as classroom work, attending meetings and organising your affairs in preparation for the trip, to the outstanding effort that we can see evident here within your blogs. It has been interesting and moving to read of your experiences in Japan which have been very descriptive and motivational. Having always desired to travel to Japan ourselves, we feel overwhelmed with excitement for all of you. This event is a great example of what can be achieved when everyone participates in the preparation and the playing out their expected roles for the benefit of all. We also applaud Mrs Annie Mayes and Mr Max Mayes for their extraordinary efforts in making this all come together. Thank you both for sharing this fantastic opportunity with all our children thereby giving them an experience they will hold onto dearly for the rest of their lives. Lastly, thanks to LSHS and the Education Department for their ongoing support of this excursion.
    Everyone have fun… and a safe journey home!
    The Gagnon Family

  6. So great to see you are having such a great time every body.
    What a fantastic chance you Students have been given.
    Mrs & Mr Mayes, thankyou so much for giving our Children
    the lifetime memories they will now have from this trip.
    Enjoy the rest of the trip.

    The Jennings Clan
