Friday, June 11, 2010

Agatagaoka Senior High School, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture

Yesterday (Thursday) we took an early train from Nagoya to Matsumoto. This meant we all had to wake early (6.30) and we bought obento, sandwiches and other things to eat on the train for breakfast. The trip is 2 hours.
We were met at the Matsumoto train station ny Mr Tsukada, a former assistant language teacher at Leeming SHS (1999 ). We travelled to the school by car and taxis in a convoy.
We had a fantastic day joining with Japanese students in classroom activities and had lunch together with them in a beautiful park near the school. All around the city we could see high mountains. Some of them have now on their peaks!
As the day went on we seemed to get more and more Japanese friends - by the end of our time at the school it was hard to leave. We walked back to the station, but we were escorted all the way by a lot of Japanese students and had last farewells in front of the station.
Then we took the train back to Nagoya. It was dark when we got back to our ryokan after 8.30. A big day, but a very good one.

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