Friday, June 11, 2010

Ousu, Nagoya

With all "official" duties over, we relaxed with shopping and sightseeing in an an exciting part of Nagoya called Ousu.

We took the subway, just two stations, to Ousu and the first thing we saw was a temple complex called Ousu Kannon. Right there were dozens of pigeons which when offered seeds that are provided, flock all over you! Some of us had photos taken while covered in pigeons.
The shopping beyond the temple was INCREDIBLE. The girls especially thought they were in shopping heaven. Things in shops were so varied, interesting, and CHEAP. Anyway, so much was bought it is going to be a challenge to fit it all in our already swollen travel bags.
Speaking of which, tonight is the night we pack, because we leave the ryokan very early in the morning (6:20 a.m.) to catch a train to Chubu International Airport for our flight home. Yes, there is only a little time left in Japan. Everyone seems to have mixed feelings about leaving. It has been such a wonderful time, but it will be good to go home and share the experiences with family and friends.
Tonight we are going to have dinner at a nearby restaurant. Everyone wants to dress up to make it a special occasion.

Annie & Max Mayes

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