Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nikko, shrines and temples

Tash Gagnon-4 June

We went to a beautiful place called Nikko. As we walked up the long path up to the gate I didnt know what to think. I just thought the shrines and temples would be old looking, dark and dull. Now I know how wrong I could be in some of my judgement about things. I really must try things out before I decide on how I would feel. I was very impressed as soon as I saw Toshogu Shrine at first sight. It was like a dream because I never knew I would see something so wonderful and special. I was amazed by the creative Japanese designs . I really felt like I was special when I purified myself by rinsing my mouth and cleaning my hands with the spring water in front of the shrine. This is an old Japanese tradition of making our bodies pure. I felt very happy because drinking this magic water was a new experience to me.

I think I am very lucky to be in a different country where I can learn new things and become a better person in many ways. I feel that I am becoming more trustworthy by not being late for meeting, place and time. I really enjoyed Nikko as it was so fascinating. The shrines and temples had beautiful colours and I cant believe how much of a good job the Japanese people have completed in restoring this historical treasure.

I now realise how loved I am to have such caring and loving parents to let me join in this trip, or I wouldnt have seen this remarkable place in Nikko. I love trying new things and I was very appreciative of being able to pray and do things the Japanese way. It wouldnt have been the same if I didnt have my kind and amazing friends to share this amazing day with. I feel that the group and I are very lucky to have Mrs Mayes and Max take us on this once in a life time experience. They went out of their way for us, I never knew I would be one of those chosen. I will never forget this wonderful Japan trip.

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