Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bullet train and Stations

This is Daiki Suzuki from the Japan Trip. During the stay in Tokyo and Nagoya we had to use trains or bullet trains to get to where we wanted to go. For that we had to go through the railway station. The railwayns station was our very first transport in Japan and we have used them ever since. The railway stations are different from Australia. You would have to buy a ticket and put it in a machine and get it back from other side. When going on the train, you would have to wait at a door opening sign on the station platform and wait for the train to come. You also would have to wait for the doors to open and for the passengers to get out and then you get in and have a seat. It is unique and different from Australia because there are so many railway stations everywhere and the passages are so long and feels like a maze. everyone was surprised that the sound of a train going past them would frighten them while waiting. There are so many people catching the trains and we expreinced a few rush hours. The passengers have to squish to get on and it is very crowded therfore you can`t hold on to anything ,but the person in front of you. This experence has given me the idea of how the railways work and how trains are so important in everyday Japanese life.

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